This might be an odd question on the surface, but it is a deep question that is hitting me right now. My small group is reading and discussing John Eldredge's Wild at Heart. And tonight I spent time sitting down and talking with one of my close friends the issue after watching Rob Bell's Nooma "Name".
I think it is so often hard for us today to know who were are. We often try to find our meaning in the things we buy, the house we have, the car we drive, or the job and title we hold. In pursuing our meaning in this way we are seeking fulfillment in a way that we will never find complete fulfillment. Basically we are hiding behind a mask or what we think we are, when in all actuality God has created each one of us to be something special. He has called us and given us our name. First and foremost we are a child of God, a sinner redeemed from our sin by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Secondly and only secondly are we a sinner who has a past that impacts who we are, how we see things, and the way we work through our Christian journey.
We need to make the decision to find our identity in Christ and seek to live out the calling He has placed on our lives.
It is not easy, nor is it something that I claim to have mastered in anyway. But it is something I seek to live out daily in my life from here forward.
Incredibly, I googled to ask the same question as a result of also treking my way through "Wild at Heart." I had never been jolted as I was in chapter 6 to realize that my earthly name is just that...earthly. Although it has a nice meaning, it is not what God uses to call me. I am seeking Him, that He would call me by His name for me, and I would respond willingly. Heaven will be so much grander than our minds can conceive.
Incredibly, I googled to ask the same question as a result of also treking my way through "Wild at Heart." I had never been jolted as I was in chapter 6 to realize that my earthly name is just that...earthly. Although it has a nice meaning, it is not what God uses to call me. I am seeking Him, that He would call me by His name for me, and I would respond willingly. Heaven will be so much grander than our minds can conceive.
12:47 PM
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