Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Prayer and Fasting

Ok, call me a nerd, geek or what have you. I finished my last class a week early so that I could be ready for the baby to arrive. And in the two weeks before my next class starts I decided to start reading the texts for the class so I would be a bit ahead come the start of class.

I finished one of the books which is by Elmer Towns, its a book on praying the Lord's Prayer. It was a good wake up call and reminder. I pray but not as regularly as I should. the book caused me to really think about how I pray and in what way I pray. It helped me to see that I need to see prayer as a worship service and opportunity to grow closer to God. I need to stop seeing it as a time to just ask for things but to express my thankfulness.

I also today just started the other book which is on fasting, again it is by Elmer Towns. I'm excited to read more on fasting as it is not something that I was ever really raised around. I look forward to learning more and hopefully applying it to my life.

Oh well, back to reading, relaxation......


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