Well I have a challenge with my friend Remy to be more focused and consistent with my writings, and him with his. So today is the start. He challenged me to make a post within 3 days, so well I am posting today, now, before he has a chance to post his! Oh well I'm sometimes competitive.
So now for the post:
In the past months I have heard about, seen, experienced and walked with friends, family, and others through different periods of suffering. It is hard to see friends and families suffer. Its hard to not just try to jump into a situation and try to fix it. My wife was reading to me a question she had to respond to last night for her graduate program. The question was whether a counselor should try to remove the patients suffering.
To me this question is ridiculous. We as humans can't remove suffering, only God can. I have found and am still learning that we as followers of the Rabbi are called to support others, comfort them, help guide them if needed, and just plan share God's love.
I will never be able to provide medical answers or medical healing, I'm not a doctor or God, but I can be there in prayer, physically by one's side, and I can walk with them. With those who have struggles and addictions, I can encourage them, give them advice, walk with them and love them, BUT I CAN'T HEAL THEM.
So often we want to heal those who are suffering or remove their pain. But I think we forget that in our trials and suffering we often grow the most, and are able to be molded more and more into the man or woman God has made us to be.
Lets not try to be God, but instead be His Hands, Feet, and Arms. Let us love others, comfort them, and be with them. Let us be present in the pain and suffering. I know it won't be comfortable, it won't be easy, but God smiles when are his instruments of love and comfort, even though true healing may not occur.
I think of my family right now who is dealing with my sister-in-laws surprise visit to the hospital. I can't be with them 24/7, I can't watch my nephew all day and night, and I am not a medical professional who can heal her, but I can be there to help support them, love them, and just be with them. I can be God's hands, feet, arms, and mouth.
The Bottom Line: Don't try to remove the suffering of others, be present, be there, be the arms, hands, feet, and words of God to those who are in pain around you.
His servant, His Son......
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