Monday, April 27, 2009

Book Review: The Noticer:

The Noticer by Andy Andrews
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Pub. Date: April 2009
  • ISBN-13: 9780785229216
  • Sales Rank: 18,323
  • 170pp
The Noticer, is an interesting twist on a Christian Living meets story. Andrews shares the story of "Jones", yes that is right "Jones" not "Mr. Jones. Jones is a gentle man that everyone in Andy's hometown seems to know from a different encounter in their lives. Usually the encounters are brief and end before the individual is ready for them to end. "Jones" appears and reappears to different people throughout he course of their lives.

"Jones" brings to each individual something they are lacking, persepctive. "Jones" seems to know more about each individual than they even know about themselves. "Jones" first appearance in each person's life and story is usually at a point where they are in a dark, sad, or lonely place. "Jones" seeks to speak encouragement and perspective into the lives of those he encounters.

Through the stories presented in The Noticer one is challenged to rethink how they interact with those around them. The care and concern that they seek to provide to others, as well as how well they pay attention to the lives in the grand scheme of things. Each individual whose story is shared in The Noticer was changed by their encounters with "Jones" and as a result their lives were changed drastically. Andrews writes to encourage interactions between individuals so that lives are changed. He desires for people to spend time and notice others and their circumstances and to speak the truth in love and help provide a little perscpective.

Its a great and enjoyable read!

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