Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Book Review: Think and Make It Happen

Think and Make It Happen

The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Overcoming Negative Thoughts, and Discovering Your True Potential
Jacketed Hardcover
ISBN: 0785227814
ISBN-13: 9780785227816

Dr. Augusto Cury tackles the subject of overcoming negative thinking with an interesting approach that is not often ventured or proposed by other scholars. Dr. Cury looks not only at the psychological side of negative thinking and working to change ones negatives into more positive thoughts, he also uses Jesus Christ as an example and way of explaining how to change ones thoughts. While capturing the idea's and thoughts that he is attempting to convey to the reader the book is a slow read. The book presents itself as an interesting topic and read but requires patience and perseverance to complete.
If one can be patient with Dr. Cury’s writing style this book is a good read and self help book. He throughout the book references items that will be discussed in future chapters however fails to give much of explanation of that point and relying on the reader to continue through the book with a desire to understand everything. While being a struggle to read as an academic it is a book that with patience can be an asset to one’s library and life.

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