Yet another blog inspired by a sermon. Pastor Jeff is preaching a series entitlted Spring Training and last Sunday's sermon was entitled stuck. One of the key things that struck me, is that often when we feel stuck or frustrated with where we are at the last thing we consider is that maybe this is the place "God has us stationed at". Jeff focused on Phillippians 1:12-26. This passage was written to the church in Phillipi while Paul was under house arrest. Paul may have seemed to be stuck but he recognized that the place he was in was the place God wanted him at. He was there to make a difference.
I know that my present job and place in life is not where I really want to be and I feel stuck sometimes and am not sure how to get out. I know that I personally need to stop thinking and focusing on how to get out, instead I need to focus on how to be who God mas made me to be, and do it where I am at. I need to make the most of the situation I am in and do God's work where I am at.
I know that there are plenty of people all around me that can understand the concept of being stuck. My words to you and myself. Be patient, Seek to do God's work and listen to Him. There is a reason we are where we are at even though we may not understand. Just be patient. We are in a period of training for something that lies ahead. We may not know what it is, but God is preparing us for it so that we can be used!
Be patient and moldable.
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