Friday, April 07, 2006

Spring: Time for New Creations?

Spring time is a time for changes, new growth, freshness after a long winter.

My mind has been racked and twisted with ideas. Things that strike deep with my passion for community and relationship within the body of Christ. Doesn't help when I read books that push me to desire it more and more like "Preaching Re-imagined" by Doug Pagitt. He talks about the preisthood of ALL believers. Not just those who are ordained and educated.

So ok, what does this have to do with Spring and new growth and stuff. Well for some time i have been kicking around the idea of (with my wife's permission) opening our house up once a month or so to have friends over for a time of fellowship, breaking of bread, games, fun, conversation and whatever else it may turn into. I don't want it to be a group of just select friends who all know each other but a chance for us to open the doors to our friends who are single, married, young, old, families with kids to a time of Christian fellowship. Maybe there will be times where some of us get into discussions related to our faith and our walk with Christ and each other. A no pressure time of just relaxing and being ourselves with each other. Opening ourselves up to what God has to say through each other.

Since college its been hard to interact with others in such a communal way. I see it as something beyond a small group, but a living, breathing organism. A time where people can bring friends with them. A place where we can have fun and laughs, but also when hurt and pain occur in our lives where we can share those feelings, those tears.

I desire for my life to be a living expression of the song We are the body which states that we are the hands and feet of God and we are the ones that should be reaching out to each other...... Oh well thats my musing......

I pray for God's direction and wisdom into this....


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