Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Only Opinion That Matters

Our society, the church, and life pressues make us think that it matters what others think. That the thoughts, opinions and how others view us is what makes us who we are. If we fall into this trap we strive to make ourselves what others want us to be. We fall into sins which mislead our thinking, warp our sense of worth, and draw us far away from God and His blueprint of who we are.

We so often forget that we are:
-The Apple of God's eye
-God's workmanship
-God's Pottery
-Child of God
-Love by God
-The lost sheep that the shepherd stops everything to find.
-The sinner who the angles rejoice over when we repent.
-A child of promise
-Worth something
....... and the list goes on forever.

I have so often allowed my life ot be filled with the lies of satan. That I'm not worth anything, that I have to please others and be accepted by them, that I have to make my parents happy and impress them...... But let me tell you. I have had it all wrong......

God is the only one who matters. He doesn't ask for us to impress Him. He knows who were are inside and out, He knows our failings and our weaknesses, and know what He still loves us........ God sacrificed His ONE AND ONLY SON for you and me. God desires greatly for us to walk with Him and live our life in obedience to Him. To love Him and follow His leading.

God wants us to get out of the drivers seat and to let Him be in control. He wants us to allow him to carry us when times are tough, and to walk by His side when we don't need to be carried.

I know that I need to remeber that God is God and the only one that can tell me who I am and make me the man He wants me to be. I can try all i want but I will always fail. I need to lean on His strenght...........

Like the poem Footprints. I need to be carried becuase I am weak and broken. I need God's strenght............ I need to be only concerned about God's opinion.....

Learning to lean on God and learning to "Be still and know that I am God"


1 comment:

David Korff said...

Good comments today! I really feel that God is the only one we need to lean on for everything. Actually, I am planning a blog article that goes kinda along this same lines. May God continue to work on you in your life and keep leaning on Him for all you are going through!