Thursday, February 17, 2005

Romans 7

Had a great conversation with a friend of mine the other night at dinner. We were catching up while I was in LA on business........ We some how ended up on the topic of struggles and having a hard time seeing where God is in the midst of it. It was great. Hearing someone else express the same struggles, frustations, and issues that I am feeling and experiencing.

To sum it up.....
We all have areas and issues in our lives that we struggle with. We struggle with not doing certain things, saying things, believing things, and the list goes on. Be it a sin of the flesh, of the mind, or of the heart, no matter what it is a struggle.

My friend & I were both sayin gthat some of the things that we having been strugglign with for years and years of our lives seem to be things that god feels absent in. The struggle seems to be us and only us fighting without any help from God. I know that this isn't true, I know that the times that it seems like we are struggling alone, we are not necessarily alone. I do believe that some of the time we feel like we are struggling because our heart and desires are not necessarily wanting to fight the battle that faces us and are rather apathetic. Yet its a battle. As a Child of God I know that we will face struggles and sins that we seem to want to fight but yet we are drawn to the sin and fall into it.

We must keep in mind that God is the God of grace......... We must run to Him and cry out to Him and ask for His help, His forgiveness and constantly run to Him no matter how much we desire not to run to Him.............

What have I learned or not learned?
1. I must learn to rely on the Father to be the source of my strength, my support and my confidence in living.
2. Need to be in constant in seeking to grow and be rooted in the Word and in relationship with God.
3. Be willing to talk with others about our struggles, battles, and issues of faith.

If we are not looking to grow, learn from others and support others the community of God will not grow, God's kingdom will not advance, and we will make no forward progess.


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